About Us

Passion for Technology

DDR5.com was born out of my passion for technology. I've been a programmer and technology enthusiast for over 20 years. I was talking about the development of the new DDR5 standards the other day with some of my students. They had so many misconceptions around how Ram worked, I created a bunch of powerpoint slides to try and explain it. Over time, I had enough materail to launch what I consider a very thorough guide to computer RAM. My site is:

  • An Authentic Work of Love
  • Accurate and Up to Date.

Our Mission

To explain the history of RAM, the types of Computer RAM Memory that exist and to clarify what those differences entail as objectively as possible.

Our Vision

To be the best resource for all things RAM. We aspire to provide highly technical reviews and cutting edge computer memory development news.

Our Future

This website was created while attempting to pear into the future. It's an exciting place to be. When I think of how it was in the 80s and how it is today, I can't help but wonder what the next 30 years will bring.

I want this website to be the #1 repository for all things related to computer memory. I want it to be a one stop shop for computer science students, housewives looking to improve their system and business men who are tired of finding overly hyped content related to the RAM they are looking for.


Much of the content on computer memory is only a half truth, or even all together untrue. So one of our main commitments to our readers is to ensure accurate information.


Unfortunately much of the information on computer RAM is backward looking. We will bring you the cutting edge information the latest standards and reviews.


We want our content to be accurate, easy to understand and written in a friendly manner. Too many times technical content is written in a unfriendly tone.

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